Reclaim Wellness
"Stop Fighting Your Illness and Start Feeding Your Wellness"
A Renewing Approach to Health and Wellness Through Detoxification and Remineralization of the Body
Kona's Quantum Healing in partnership with Reclaim Wellness now offers a carefully crafted and powerful protocol with a 3-step detoxification and remineralization process. In this six-week protocol we get the unwanted stuff out (bacteria, fungus, virus, parasites) and put the good stuff back in (vitamins, minerals, probiotics).

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Start Feeding Your Wellness

Empower your body to address:
~Mold ~ Auto Immune ~ Skin Issues
~Chronic Fatigue ~Sleep Issues
~Weight Loss ~ Thyroid Issues
~Reverse Aging ~General Wellness
*This is NOT Medical Advice - This is for Informational Purposes ONLY.
Step 2 ~ 100% Pine Gum Spirits Oil

Next we use a pine gum essential oil to remove unwanted bacteria, fungus, viruses, and parasites from the body. This is a direct distillate from the sap of the Slash Pine tree. This oil has been used in medicine fro over 100 years.
Step 1 ~ Remineralize / Ferment

We first use the Remineralize Ferment to clean the stomach walls, heal and seal the G.I. tract and clean the colon. In turn strengthening the immune system and rebalancing the gut microbiome.
Step 3 ~ Iodine and Remineralization

Now it is time to remineralize the body. This remineralization process was designed by Dr. Brownstein and is sstill used in his practice today. We use iodine, zinc, selenium, and magnesium to strengthen and reset the body's natural processes.